Our Approach
At BreakThrough Improvement we recognise that change is hard, and that most organisations still struggle with Lean Transformation and that’s why we have dedicated our action research to understanding the obstacles to effective Lean transformation and change.
By combining this insight of the common pitfalls of Lean and change with a proven order of approach and other areas of best practice we are able to drastically improve the effectiveness of our approach.
Combining insights from common pitfalls of Lean and best practice from:
- Change Management
- Developing Long Term Talent
- Leadership Behaviour & Management Systems
The effectiveness of your approach is critical as it will impact:
- Speed of change
- Meeting goals and objectives
- Long term sustainment
- Developing knowledge & capability
Change management
With any change we can expect resistance, the amount, duration and type of resistance can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the change.
In-order to reduce the negative impact of the resistance it is critical that we also manage the people side of the change and manage change as a process and not just an event.
Major Change Management obstacles that must be avoided, include:
- Ineffective change management sponsorship
- Resistance to change from employees
- Insufficient change management resourcing
- Middle management resistance
Developing long term talent
The comparison between sport and business as always been one that has intrigued me, but in sport we wouldn’t have a coach tell new team members the rules of the game and then expect team members to go out and perform beating the competition like we do in business.
For successful high performance teams we need to ensure that we support the team by:
- Developing a cohesive team
- Provide different elements of the team with knowledge of the right techniques
- Get the team to apply deep practice
- Provide feedback from an expert coach
- Develop team members to coach, maintaining and improving standards.
The Breakthrough-Improvement approach integrates best practice from developing long term talent to ensure that the most effective techniques are being used to developing talent (quickly & deeply).
Leadership behaviour & Management Systems
Research has shown us that the leadership behaviour & management systems within an organisation can be critical and can make or break a business or lean transformation.
Consider the example of Nummi where Toyota took over GM’s failing plant and turned it around from being the USA’s worse automotive plants in 1983 to being one of the best in 1984 with 85% of the same staff.
Critical to any Lean journey is having supporting management systems and leadership behaviour:
- Cohesive management teams
- Mentors not managers
- Respect for people
- Team concept
- Support for change & development of employees improvement capability
- Management system to sustain change
- People systems to support change
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